Agents of Oblivion Sitrep

Tomorrow, I’ll put up what should be the last (if not next to last) teaser before Agents of Oblivion‘s release. Yes. We are that close.

All the art is in and I’ve been massaging text and graphics to make certain everything comes together nicely. I’m very pleased. I just sent out an “almost there” file to my team for some last minute eyeballs. I can’t wait to hear what they think about it. This book is chock full of stuff and feels like a book now instead of an “almost book”. What remains is for me is to replace p. XX references with actual page numbers and then add in bookmarks and call it a day.

I would’ve put the teaser out today, but I thought it far more important to get the work done then to talk about getting the work done, so there you go.

Until next time, I bid you, dear reader, adieu!








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