Missive #32: Missing in Action

Howdy friends, fans, and critics.  Hope all the gaming is going blazingly fast, fun, and furious.  Just wanted to say “I’m sorry” about the tardiness of this post.  I’ve been very busy the past two weeks.  The school year finally came to an end which meant finals to grade and I have become a semi-bionic man.

I am now (and forever) attached to an insulin pump.  I’ve had to go to training and have learned how to attach it to my big belly and all that other fun stuff.  So far so good, but that, a cold, end of school, and a visit by a long-lost favorite nephew has had me “missing in action.”

In the meantime we have gotten the first One-Shot out for sale and I’m very proud of it.  Michael Ysker wrote it and did a great job on his first professional effort.  We will be seeing lots more from him I’m sure!  The One-Shot’s name is Cat’s Eye and it finds our Agents deep in the jungles of Vietnam, where they are assigned to look into the disappearance of a United States Biological Security Operations team. Things take a turn for the worse, as the Agents are faced with the horrors left behind from an experiment gone awry.

Michael has a good series of these in the works and more of his Oblivion goodness will be coming your way soon.  On top of editing the next One-Shot, I’m working on REDACTED for Sean and I think you will like the effort.  My next assignment is to complete an all new full-length mission for all those deadly agents out there. I’ve got several outlined and may share some of the basics of them in these articles to gauge what ya’ll (you all- I am from Texas remember) would like to see first.

What Screams are Made Of is also slated for a release soon and I know ya’ll will love it.  Even if you don’t play Agents, the 100 all-new creatures and baddies found within work perfectly with Realms of Cthulhu as well.   I also am writing another personal project that I’ve been working on for several years now and hope to have completed by the end of this month.

So lots of Savage goodness coming your way.  Stay tuned, and remember, you can get a lot further with a Fireball and a Kind word, than with a kind word alone.




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