Hello one and all! I hope you had a terrific week as you prepare for the holidays awaiting just around the corner. Me? I’ve been keeping a low profile as I continue to do some work on a few things I’m not quite ready to talk about yet, but I’ll paint some broad strokes. I’m doing some stuff for Agents of Oblivion, prepping to read through some Ravaged Earth, and revisit Echo of Dead Leaves.

I’m feeling more and more human every day and working towards being a little more on the radar than I have of late. For those following along, the last few weeks have been pretty rough, and my energy (when I’ve had it) has been applied towards the work more than talking with anyone either online or offline. All apologies. Have a great weekend. Get and some gaming. We’ll talk more next week.

Until next time, I bid you, dear reader, adieu!


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