It’s Late in the Evening…

Getting in just under the wire,  I have finished packing for Origins. Well, maybe, I fibbed a little bit. I still have a little bookkeeping left to do. Y’know, tidy up a few character sheets here and there. Make sure certain scenarios are packed and that sort of thing. Today, I was a man obsessed, putting the finishing touches on the Innsmouth Confidential playset I’ve had in the works for Fiasco. Don’t say I can’t keep a secret. This idea has been rattling around in my mind for some months and I cannot wait to play it, so I’m hoping to get in some games with some of you good people at the show. I’ll be at the Studio2 booth some and running around a good bit. If you’re going to be at Origins and want to keep up with me, the best way is to follow RealityBlurs on Twitter for the latest breaking news of what I’m doing and where. I’ll get in Wednesday around 1PM and I do believe I’ll be running a game that afternoon.

As long as I can connect to the internet, be it by 3g or Wifi, I’ll provide some sort of updates each day I’m at the show. I’m looking forward to it. Only two more wake-ups and I’ll be Ohio bound. Look forward to seeing old friends and new alike. My schedule is largely open, so if you’re looking to get in one of our games, don’t be bashful. Talk with myself or Norm Hensley or Dave Olson and we’ll see what we can do!

Until next time, I bid you, dear reader, adieu!


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