We can ship to virtually any address in the world. All shipping options available for a particular order are displayed in your cart at the time of check out. The shipping methods we offer ensure quick delivery and order tracking (when available).
Delivery Time
When you place an order, your order will usually be shipped within 2 business days. After your order has shipped an email notification will be sent with your tracking information.
Pre-orders are something new we’re offering. Any goods in stock will not ship out until all goods are available, so if there’s something you’re wanting to get right away, please place it as a separate order to avoid any possible delays.
All information obtained on this web site is used for billing and shipping purposes only. Submit your order with the understanding all information will be held in strictest confidence.
Other Questions/Issues
Please direct all purchase related inquiries to shop@realityblurs.com. Allow us 72 hours or so for a response, maybe a touch more if you’re reaching out on the weekend. We want to ensure you get your goods and appreciate your patience.