One Week, One Sheet Contest!

We’re busy cranking out content, but you guys want more. You say so. You especially want One Sheets. If you’ve been following along, I’ve been equipping you for this very moment.

You have the tools. I’ve given you some secrets. It’s time for you to put your money where your mouth is. Retweet it. Post it on FB. Spread the word. You’re probably thinking the last entries, the better, cause you’ll have a better chance of winning.

On the contrary, we’ll give away better stuff if we get more participants. Since I came up with the idea this morning, and want to give you a weekend to start working, the exact prize is fuzzy. Have faith (and give me until Monday)!

Here are the rules:

1. Using Iron Dynasty, write a One-Sheet adventure.

2. All submissions become property of Reality Blurs, LLC.

3. Only one submission per person. No exceptions.

4. If you’re affiliated with the company, you don’t get to participate.

5. The winner will be notified within 30 days and win a cool prize.

That’s it. You have until 5PM CST, Friday the 13th, May, 2011.

Send entries to!

Until next time, I bid you, dear reader, adieu!

P.S. If this goes well, we may have more future contests for our other product lines.

P.P.S. If this gets a LOT of RTs, generates more followers and fans on FB and Twitter, we may do something really special for people who submit.


4 Notes on, One Week, One Sheet Contest!

  1. Good luck with this mate :) Hope it goes well! Too bad I’m likely not eligible ;)

  2. You may certainly participate, Vince!

  3. Ok silly question I’m sure – around 1200 words right? Or how long do you expect the One Sheets to be? Been ages since I wrote one (ones I did for SW Explorer’s Society were in the 1200-1400 word range)…

  4. Not silly at all.

    Sounds about right. You have the front and back of a “sheet” of paper to work with, so 2 pages. We’ll take 1200-1400.



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