Breaking Down the 4th Wall

All of you may or may not know this, but it bears repeating: writing and designing is a solitary pursuit interrupted by staccato bursts of intense human interaction (typically at cons or through intermittent playtests). It’s a weirdness when one pursues a craft that is designed for playability and interactivity, certainly, but it’s nonetheless present (at least for me). Though some of the crew may be a bit more social, no one can write a decent document during a rave or whatever you kids are out their doing on the weekends these days. So, all that being said, we’re proud to announce there is yet another way to keep track of our comings and goings and that is through us joining TWITTER… We have some other plans in the days ahead, but one thing at a time.

I took the long way around the barn, having turned a deaf ear to folks saying it’s important to engage in this manner, but finally relented. They are right, after all. Who am I to halt progress while I sit on a keyboard and type up make believe?

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