Ruffling Feathers and Razor Wisdom

Evidently, a good number of you guys pay attention to what we do. How about that?

After nearly eight years of waving my arms, wailing for attention, and general huckstering, you are actually paying attention to me, and what the Blur puts out. I must admit, this makes me a bit nervous. But, more than anything, it makes me grateful.

Your outpouring and generosity and, yes, sometimes, even your criticisms, keep things moving. If you criticize, you see, I know you’re paying attention. And, there is no doubt in my mind you are.

In the past week, there have been three particular instances where there is no question in my mind that you are keeping up with the Blur. And expect nothing but the best from us (whether I like it or not).

On Saturday, I received a very scathing email from a customer who was not happy with Agents of Oblivion due, solely, to the font size and general layout. Interestingly enough, Agents of Oblivion is the work for which we’ve received the greatest praise, just from an aesthetic standpoint. I haven’t received letters in the past from anyone who liked the layout. This work did. It’s better than being in the zone of mediocrity. People polarized in their positions mean people talking. Woe unto he about whom no one speaks.

Next up, I innocuously announced a sale on RunePunk yesterday. You buy any of our print stuff, and you can get RunePunk for only five bucks. A friend of the Blur, Tim Hannon, shared the link on Facebook, and the next thing you know, a retailer is none too pleased with yours truly. The funny thing is I had long figured Reality Blurs was beneath notice of the retailers. I know we have a nice fan base, but who was I to think “those guys” were paying attention to me? I used to be a retailer and, even then, it was hard to keep up with everything. Now? My mind would be totally blown. As it was now. I reckon we’ve paid our dues enough and have continuously grown and built a solid reputation where you guys have been chattering in your retailers’ ears and, well, gee thanks.

Which brings me to the last point of today’s report, the best part in fact for one singular reason. We have sold through our first print run of Agents of Oblivion. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! We’ve sold through runs before but NEVER before has anything flown out the door so rapidly. Rest assured, more books will be ordered!

The best way to keep a roof over our head and the machinery spinning is to throw dollars our way. It lets us know we’re doing something right. Well, I better get back at it, no time to rest on any (real or imagined) laurels, there’s work to be done.

Until next time, a huge thanks to all of you! I bid you, dear reader, adieu!

2 Notes on, Ruffling Feathers and Razor Wisdom

  1. Paying attention to you – what gave you that impression? Oh, congratulations for your extreme endurance in the RPG industry!

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