The Daily Blog Challenge: A Janus-like Look in Both Directions

Today is the last day of DBloC, the Daily Blog Challenge! I’m happy to report I made it through this interesting experiment relatively unscathed, but it did take its toll just a tad bit. Let me clarify, however, I enjoyed each and every post, but there were a couple of things which did not make me happy about when I started it. First off, I’m a fragile flower when it comes to the time change–this occurred early on in DBloC–which contributed to my fuzziness early on, but I adapted quickly. I also did the posting at the end of the day for the first several weeks and it was like gorging at a buffet all day (due to the rigorous regular writing I engage in) and then going to a dessert bar and indulging in cheesecake and shots of Crown Royal. Enjoyable? Sure! But it takes a bit of a toll when you do it every day. Don’t mistake my keen observations for moaning, groaning, and lamenting my mental state. There was good to come out of the whole process.

Some of the good things which arose is I got to clarify my process for you and, hopefully, provide some good tips for all you guys and gals out there taking the time to read through my rambles and my more precisely presented posts. I got to connect to a larger number of folks in the past month as our spike in website traffic indicated. And, most of all, I got to talk about something I truly love–gaming. There has to be the proper mix of passion, madness, and professionalism to do this for a living, which seems to be exactly what I’ve been doing for a goodly number of years now. Talking about all this stuff has also cleansed my head a good bit. Now don’t think I’m done. I’m going to reflect upon what went wrong, what went right, and take it from there. I’m mainly glad for three things: reconnecting with the base (that’s you guys!), resurrecting the RWR, and reestablishing the discipline to regularly update the website, instead of having it sit about with old news. I’ve reminded myself it’s not impossible to update the website regularly and I am not in working in the void. I want to thank each and every one of you who’ve sent emails or comments about the things I’ve been writing about and want to see more. Surely, you will ! (But let’s leave Seymour and Shirley out of this, shall we?)

Rather than make this strictly a maudlin retrospective written by a man whose bone weary fingers struggle to strike another key, let’s turn our attention to the future.

Some of the things I’d like to do in restructuring The Razorwise Report is to make entries a bit more concise and reduce the frequency just a tad. I’m not certain if I will or how that will pan out just yet. I’m merely spit-balling here. I do know I want Sundays off, because it’s typically the day (as I’ve mentioned before) where I like to have a break from the keyboard altogether. I also want to open up comments, so you can respond directly to an individual post without jumping over to our forums or Facebook or Twitter accounts or other methods (such as email and Buzz) to let me know what you think. I certainly will not discourage you from your choice of media contact any more than I’d dictate your flavors of ice cream. It’s not my modus operandi. I also want to get you all more actively involved in this process of submitting topics for future commentary. So far, I’ve only had one taker, and I addressed his questions in an earlier entry, and I’d like to see what you’d like me to talk about.

This year, I’ve been exploring a lot of game systems, so I’ve a lot more about in the days ahead, so it’s not as though I’ve run out of topics by any means, but I want to hear what you’d like me to address. One of the most popular entries I’ve addressed is Plot Points which I nearly didn’t tackle at all, because they are something I’ve spoken about a good, long while ago, but went ahead and did it anyway, as my thoughts on the topic have matured. I went with my gut you’d be along for the ride, so far, you have. Let’s see how this next month shakes out together. Shall we?

With that, dear reader, I bid you, adieu, but come back tomorrow. I’m not done yet!

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