Making Time for What You Love

If you’re really a gamer, you make the time to get some gaming in (and I don’t care particularly what form that may be–it can be video, PC, board, RPG, whatever). The way the world is today, we’re all crushed for time to juggle around those things we want to do.

If you’re in the industry, this is particularly true, and it’s necessary to take the time to do some gaming beyond sheerly playtesting.

I’m happy to say, I’ve modified my schedule to allow for more recreational gaming. While it’s the nature of the beast that my time is dominated with playtesting, having a flexible game group has allowed me the ability to play other systems to see if they”ll mesh well with the company vision.

If you don’t get to game any more, than you’re not really a gamer, you might be a casual enthusiast, the way someone who used to play college football may catch a game from time to time. It doesn’t diminish your love or remembrances, but you need to get off the couch and throw the (mental) pigskin so to speak. Next, we have the casual gamer who devotes a bit more time, but views it more as a social thing. Then you have the hardcore gamer who spends a tremendous amount of time learning all the nuances of the rules or fleshing out his own personal worlds. All these people have a place in the gamer structure. Finally, we have the professionals who juggle their time and ability to make games to share with others and give it a proper go. Sometimes, we in the final category need a break, and breaks can be good. This holiday was less manic than they usually are from a professional perspective, but we’ve got a lot of irons in the fire, and the plan is to start letting you in our secrets very shortly.

Spread the word. Stay tuned. Go game. Until next time, I bid you, dear readers, adieu!

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