Website Expansion and the Soft Sell

Hello All.

In light of the increase in traffic to our website, I spent a goodly amount of time this past weekend doing something I’ve had difficulty working into my schedule- the website updating.

I’ve been thinking about some of the things I’d like to do to the site, but I don’t have the time. I used to be a professional web designer for an art-house style place in the city and then went to pretty up greenscreens for a Fortune 50 company and made some wicked sites, but, as I just stated, I don’t have the time to do that now. My discretionary time is typically spent writing or researching stuff to write about. I could make a pretty site, but content is king. So, in the grand scale, I’ll keep the look as is for the indefinite future, but I did expand it out in several key areas.

I was talking with some friends and I realized that I had no catalog, no way for the consumers to directly buy our stuff. Ooops. It didn’t matter when things were just in developmental stages, but it’s rather important once the things are out there. So, now you can go to the Stuff section of the website and buy our stuff. In fact, we’d encourage it. It’s also a catch-all section for free downloads and whatever mad miscellany that I opt to put there. I scrapped the about section. I figured the contact page is good enough. This whole website, rambling though it may be at times, is one giant about section. Please, don’t crucify me for offering my wares for sale.

The website went live Saturday, but I thought I’d wait for my regular Monday update to announce it to the masses. I’ve put some details about Agents of Oblivion up as well as our Powers & Perils line and, naturally, RunePunk. I also have Iron Dynasty up with information about it. Yes, it was previously called Katana, but in my deriliction, I didn’t update the sidebars. Also, some of the sidebar stuff has migrated to “beyond the pending stages” and will await further amplification. That’s why you won’t see much of anything about Capes & Spandex: Asylum and the APB: Anime Powers book. They haven’t been scrapped. I still jot notes down about such things, but there is a lot of other things to talk about right now that is more immediately relevant.

So, browse around the site. Check things out and, if you’re feeling generous, grab one of our adventures. If you’re already enjoying our stuff, thanks for the continued support. We really appreciate your patronage.



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