Like Us, Will Ya?

Today, I’m starting a Facebook drive for our Facebook Page. I’m wanting to work towards 1k and I’ll need your help. I can’t do this alone. I need, hrmm, at least 1,000 of you to do this. Fret not, however. We’ve got a number of people who already like us.

We’re gonna do something like a sneak preview of something when we hit 500. After that, we’ll sort out some kind of coolness for each additional hundred. Is this doable? Is this crazy? I don’t think so. I want to grow our community over there. It’s a good place to keep up with regular news.  And while you’re at it, follow us on Twitter too. Will ya?

We’ve made it easy. There are links on the side of the page. You can show us your support for absolutely zero dollars and we’ll shower you with love and affection and, who knows, might even throw a freebie of some sort your way. If you get the word out (through sharing and RTing), that’d be great too! Could this be a run up towards some sort of Kickstarter Campaign? Is it a secret plan to steal all your donuts? Who knows? We do and we’re not telling until we get enough followers/friends/hobos to hear our honeyed words.

Before I go, I want to leave you with the sweet words Ron Blessing posted about us over on Facebook today when I made this shout out.

A lot of folks I know have mentioned how much I talk about Reality Blurs’ products. I’ve never gotten money from them, and I’ve only been credited in one book. So why?

Sean and his team are experts at producing excellent content in an economical way. I don’t just mean the price of their books (which is always spot on), but also in the way they present their content. The Blur’s game settings get to the point. Not a word is wasted. And when you get to the end of one of their books, you have a clear sense of what you just read, what it’s all about, and what you can do with it–as both a player and a GM. (Too many times with other publishers, this is simply not the case.) All the while, you’re holding an attractive book, which sits proudly next to any other book on your shelf.

If you’re a Savage Worlds fan, go like Reality Blurs’ Facebook Page. If you’re a roleplayer who thinks publishers who respect their customers’ wallet, their time, and their intelligence should be recognized, go like Reality Blurs’ Facebook page. You’ll be glad you did.

Wow. Thanks Ron! Want to catch more Ron? Check out RoleplayDNA and ask for him by name!

Until next time, I bid you, dear reader, adieu!


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