Agents of Oblivion Index Imminent and Other News

Today, I wrapped up the index for Agents of Oblivion. I’m sending it on to the editors for a look-see and then I’ll format it. Not very much longer now at all. Once I do that, then I’ll get it put into the PDF, and send out update notifications to all of you loyal agents who’ve taken advantage of our preorder deal. (For which, we all thank you!)

I’ll revisit the matter of the character sheet on the morrow and take a glance at what projects need work next.

Eric and Sean Patrick have returned their respective works to me, so I imagine they’ll get my attention, and then there is What Screams Are Made Of, which has already made its way back on my desk. I should add it’ll be useful for those of you who play Realms of Cthulhu as well.

A lifelong buddy of mine, Barry, gave me a call today, and asked me why we haven’t had any products out for awhile. I told him I mentioned our 2012 plans some time back last year, but it certainly warrants revisiting with you all today. Next week, I plan on posting up a tentative release schedule for this year. While we experienced a great deal of success with our support products, we need to turn our attentions to getting out some long-awaited products and large properties awaiting release, like the highly anticipated Ravaged Earth 2nd Edition and Shaintar!

This year promises to be full of excitement and adventure. We hope you’ll join us for the ride!

Until next time, I bid you, dear reader, adieu!


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