Exploration of the Epub Format (with Questions for YOU!)

I installed the trial version of CS5.5 last night and just began exploring it today. I dig the ease of epub exports and experimented with it just a touch today after watching numerous videos showing the various features of the new Creative Suite.

Good stuff. Something I should really talk about in-depth, but my day is jammed up with other real world concerns, so I’ll turn the tables and posit one main question for you. Would epubs of our game materials be something you’d like to see? Ancillary questions follow: do you see a trend in epubs? Do you care one way or the other? If you would like to see epubs, what platform would you be using? (NOOKColor, Please comment below and let us know!

Until next time, I bid you, dear reader, adieu!

6 Notes on, Exploration of the Epub Format (with Questions for YOU!)

  1. I like the idea of epubs being more readily available for RPG books, in general, but the only device upon which I would use one is my regular Nook. That’s not something I would see myself doing regularly. The main issue for me is the device itself. The page turn speed and the need (especially when at the game table) to move quickly from one section to another to cross-reference things makes the Nook a difficult device to imagine using at the game table. If I were giving an RPG book a straight read-through, then sure. Other than that, I would need to have a new device (Nook Color or other tablet-like device) to make epubs a viable option. And, even then, I could probably use a PDF almost as effectively.

  2. I think a market for ePubs may exist, though, I would have to ask if you’re intending to incorporate graphics, or just text. I’d not be interested in just text.

    From what I’ve seen, gamers prefer dead-tree versions. PDF is picking up steam, but I think for the most part, we prefer a physical book. I like physical books, but I’ve started using GoodReader on my iPad for PDFs and I am liking that experience. My biggest complaint about PDFs

    I have a iPad that I would use for digital books and we also have a Kobo, which probably wouldn’t be used by me for this type of book.

  3. Wow, way to not finish a thought!

    I was saying that my biggest complaint about PDFs is the price differential between the physical book and the e-book. I struggle with a price point of 50% of the physical book, would like to see a lower price (say, 30%-40%) for these products. I’d also like to see more physical+PDF bundles. I really don’t like having to buy both.

  4. I like the thought of ePub books that are formatted to work well with eReaders. I had a nook color but I was looking for more of an 10.1 android tablet so I returned it. The new Nook reader has a better refresh rate so if the books were formatted for the screen size I might consider picking one up. The PDFs I purchase today just scream PRINT ME or read me on a PC/Laptop. There are times when the 5×7 digest format would be nice. I think it would be great if you could find a way to offer all versions, dead tree, PDF and digest/ePub. I have no concept on how much work it would take to get all the digital versions out. If I get a new nook I will let you know and I would be willing to ‘test’ snippets of the pages.

  5. This is something I’m curious to know too actually, as it’s something I’m considering doing on my own side of things. That said though, I don’t own any of the main devices used with e-pub, so I really have no idea how it all looks/works (the closest I have is iBooks on my iPhone). For books which are mostly text it could work well I’d suspect.

    I’d say just give it a whirl with something, test it on devices you own – I’m sure it won’t cost you much other than the half hour or so to export (which you’d likely do anyways exporting to PDF).

  6. Interesting Idea. I am a slow convert to PDF publishing but I still like my Prints. Epub readers are still too expensive to be interesting for me. Might as well save on an IPad for the added features and then read the PDF on it. Epub leaves me pretty much cold. Most RPG books live from their illustrations and layout to convey a certain mood, they need atmosphere and use color. Granted, my information is a bit outdated so maybe epub is better now then simply text with a few BW Pictures. It might work for mostly text based Products though.

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