Green Light…

Hello All.

I mentioned I sent my project proposals off yesterday to M&M (or maybe I didn’t mention that.) At any rate, you know that I did now. To my surprise, I expeditiously got an email back from Steve Kenson, the creator of M&M (who, incidentally, is the guy who reviews the queries) who said “I’ll be looking forward to seeing the finished products when you’re ready to start rolling them out!”

No pressure there, right? Ahem.

Today, I sent off my proposal list to PEG and will anxiously await to hear back from them. It’s basically the same list, but since one of the items on it deals with an entirely “other than setting kinda book” I had to wrap my head around how to pitch it. Seemed to turn out okay, just my wording got clunky and I had to rewrite it. A lot. So, I took a break and did the product blurb for RunePunk(tm). I can’t believe I shrunk it down so small, but it turned out okay. I am almost tempted to post it here, but I’ll save it for the press release. It’s slated to come out on the PEG boards along with my licensing announcement. Hopefully, that will occur next Tuesday.

I have everything in place, now. These are just the initial concepts, then I can get down to the good stuff. I may not have much sleep for awhile, but, hey, you guys are worth it. Right?



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