Hanging on a Moment

He who hesitates is lost. At least, that’s what THEY say. I’ll beg to differ. Sometimes, by taking a moment to consider all the ramifications of your choices, you’ll make a better choice.

Take new games, for example. I know a number of folks who get caught up with the shininess of a new RPG. I’m not necessarily talking settings here, but systems. Once upon a time, I was a big GURPS gamer and bought up all the books because I knew I’d be getting good stuff in the pages. I wasn’t expecting a completely new overhaul of the rules for the most part.

I was discussing this a bit with Sean Patrick Fannon today. The fact some people get all giddy over new systems and how our particular design aesthetics for Savage Worlds are extensible and do not require relearning an all new system.

In all honesty, it would be easier to develop systems which have no inherent interrelationship with anything else. Doing so makes no sense. Games should be harmonious. Change for change’s sake, whether it’s you, as a gamer changing systems for no good reason, or you as a developer reinventing the wheel for something which already exists, doesn’t make much sense.

For example, our Extended Traits Checks for Savage Worlds predates Dramatic Tasks. Would I have necessarily explored their development had such a system already been in place? Probably not. Are we proud of our work? Absolutely.

So, what I’m saying, is it’s okay to think over what you’re going to get or play next. Sure (except for our stuff, you should get all our stuff. Right? Right.), I’m also saying you don’t have to obsess over it. If it’s something you want, get it. If you dig it, tell your friends and spread the word around. I especially appreciate it if you spread the word around. You guys did a great job helping get the word out about Agents of Oblivion.

Let me shout out at designers for a moment. Don’t latch onto a system simply because it’s doing well or it’s the flavor of the month. Make your choices creatively through a business lens. You have to be passionate about what you do, however you’re entitled to make something for your work. What I don’t dig is people jumping onto a system just to quickly cash in and roll down the road. It’s a free market and, ultimately, you guys, as consumers, will determine their success or failure. I like to know someone is intimately familiar with the system or has the design chops coming into the arena to do the project justice.

At any rate, these are my two cents. Do with them what you will.

Until next time, I bid you, dear reader, adieu!


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