Welcome Jodi!

Hello All.

I spoke with a certain new editor working for Reality Blurs last week about a few salient points concerning Orwell Industries when she suddenly asked me a question. “Sean, when are you going to put me on the website?”

“Ahhh,” I replied. Somehow, in the chaos that is my life, I managed to overlook this. How was it possible? Easy. Thinking about the con, dealing with scroungers, keeping up with all kinds of other things. “I’ll make sure you’re featured next week.”

Y’know what? I nearly forgot again! Sorry about that. Ahem.

Everyone welcome the lovely and talented, Jodi Thies Black! Her insights and efficiency are much appreciated. I love working with professional people and she definitely makes the grade. Jodi, we’re glad to have you on board and I’m confident Orwell Industries will benefit from your contributions to the project.




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