Winter Ruminations and the Written Word

After shopping yesterday and a bit of writing, I had great difficulty going to sleep, so I settled in to watch Dexter and a bout of insomnia afforded me the opportunity to wrap up the latest season. I am now glutted upon psychotic, cinematic deeds. There were a few interesting twists and it was awfully cool to see Edward James Olmos playing a bad guy. I can definitely see the plot point possibilities for Agents of Oblivion.

I was supposed to game tonight, but my buds couldn’t make it over, so I curled up with Uncharted 3. I think I’m in a good position to wrap it up in the next few days. I’m not rushing it, it’s just a fast game, especially if comparisoned with Skyrim. Right? Right?

Wordwise, I didn’t push it at all. I’m going to allow myself some coasting space for a bit longer while I review other works in process and recharge in preparation for 2012.

I did get an opportunity to see a few folks tweeting about the size of a setting book. Broad strokes or deep detail? Which is your preference? I’m quite curious to hear what you think.

Until next time, I bid you, dear reader, adieu!

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