BLAM! BLAM!: A Lazy Sunday

While the rest of the world made preparations to watch the Superbowl, I did not. I respect other folks love of the game, but it’s not my thing. Today, however, I did get to experience the fun of grocery shopping while the mindless masses purchased piles of calories to consume while sitting there watching the screen. I suppose it does take a lot of calories to root for your favorite team? I dunno.

I got some reading done. I got some sleeping done. I reconnected with a gamer buddy of mine whom I haven’t spoken with in awhile, and I got a scad of Black Ops in today. You see, while I cannot be drawn to watch football, I can be drawn to sit in front of a tv and scream and rant while I virtually kill people and they virtually kill me. (Especially when they offer DOUBLE EXP THIS WEEKEND. Really? How could I resist?) I know…pot + kettle = oh well.

Every sentient being needs some way to decompress whether they work hard or hardly work, so get your game on today, whichever game that may be. I assure you, this down time was absolutely constructive, as my brain feels somewhat recharged, and I’ll have a nice, clean palate when I resume work on the morrow. I hope your Sunday is pleasant as mine has been. Until next time, I bid you, dear reader, adieu!

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