True20 News! Welcome to Matthew Kaiser and Starfall Jungle!

Hello All,

Got back from GenCon last week and posted on a few forums here and there, but never made my weekly updates hear. Please don’t consider me overly derelict, I didn’t get to unpack either. Why, do I hear you ask? Because I hit the ground running Monday morning, ignoring the siren coolness of some new games I snagged at the show (ummm….research?) and got elbows deep into RunePunk and into layout for Agents of Oblivion: Starfall Jungle.

I’m happy to say that, thanks to Erica Balsley, we now hold the title for first True20 Licensed Scenario! Pretty cool, huh? I thought you might think so. Worth delaying this update and living out of my suitcase for a few more days, eh? Now, I should really unpack, however, as I’m tired of stumbling over the cursed thing in the dark.

I’ve also been reading over some of the Big List of creatures that Matthew Kaiser will be working on…speaking of which, he is listed among the luminaries of the Dream Team or Doom Patrol, depending on your perspective. He’ll be Reality Blurs resident beastmaster, concocting lots of madnesses for all of our enjoyment. We’re happy to have you on this project, Matt!

Check out the entire Dream Team here.

We have more news but don’t want to overload your sensors. You’ll have to wait until later. ;)



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